Doing a Board Year at Risk: Vice Chairman, External Relations & Internal Relations
Other functions: Doing a Board Year at Risk: Secretary & Treasurer
Hi guys! Could you please introduce yourselves?
Hi, my name is Karlijn and I am 22 years old and within the board I am the Vice Chairman. I moved to Groningen 2,5 years ago and started my bachelor Accountancy & Controlling. At the end of my first year I started a committee within Risk, I met a lot of nice people over there and partly because of that I started a board year. I am really enjoying it! Next year I want to finish my bachelor and do an extra minor in Finance to start that Master afterwards.
Hi, my name is Chiel. Currently I am 22 years old and within the board of Risk I am the External Relations Officer. Last year I finished my Bachelor Business Administration, in which followed the track Accountancy & Controlling. After my board year I will start the Master Accountancy. Before my board year I organized the Risk Conference. This experience made me familiar with the Association and made me want to develop myself even further.
Hi, my name is Lotte and I am 21 years old. Within the Risk Board I am responsible for the Internal Relations. I am studying Accountancy & Controlling, and I am in my Bachelor Phase. I started studying in Groningen 2,5 years ago, and since 1,5 years I am a active members at Risk. I really like to combine Risk with my student association, and have met a lot of nice people with that combination. After my Bachelor I want to do my Master in Accountancy & Controlling.
What does a typical day as a Risk Board Member look like?
Karlijn: Every day looks really different, but if I have to describe my most typical day it would be as followed. I would start to check my emails and response to them, after that I have a meeting with IFP or a committee which I accompany. This is really nice to do, this way you get to know your active members. Then it would be time for some calls to the partners of Risk where I am the contact person of. We discuss the events their joining or I try to help them with some promotion. After the morning it is time to lunch with my fellow board members. After that the chairman and I have a short moment to discuss strategy of Risk. Then it’s time to do some work on my computer, for example preparing a career consult. Then I would meet with a student who wants help in their career opportunities, I help that person by explaining all the opportunities. Then I would get them in contact with the companies where the student is interested in. I would end the day by checking the last things on my computer and then it’s time for dinner and a social with my board members.
Chiel: Every Monday morning (and Thursday), we start the day with a board meeting. We discuss for example strategy, committees, events etc. In the afternoon, I scheduled a meeting with all External Relations Officers of the FEB study associations, followed by a meeting with our Conference Committee. In a typical day I have a call with one of our partners to discuss our ongoing collaboration. Since I am responsible for all our partnerships, I process all emailing and make sure that agreements with our partners are met. The contracts that contain all agreements are designed by me, so I know exactly what me and my partners agreed on.
Lotte: I usually start my day by checking my emails, and take a look at my calendar of the day. After that I drink a cup of coffee with someone who is interested in joining a committee at Risk, so I can tell all about the active membership at Risk and answer a lot of questions about the committee work that Risk offers. Thereafter, I have a meeting with one of the five committees that I coordinate. After this meeting I help the person responsible for the Promotion & Logistics with the design of the promotion material for his event. I have the overview of all the promotion of Risk, so I make sure all the promotion of Risk looks professional at all times. Also organizing the Active Members activities is one of my tasks, so on a typical day I am also busy contacting companies for our weekends, trainings and other activities. I close the day with scheduling job interviews for the incoming committee applications, and set up the interview questions.
What do you like most about your position?
Karlijn: I love that I have a really dynamic position. On the one hand I can visit a lot of companies in the summer, what is really nice and interesting. But I can also focus on strategic work, for example setting up new events or make long term plans. And of course helping people getting a better idea of what they want to do and can do. Every day is different and I work a lot together with the Chairman and External relations, so that is really nice.
Chiel: During the summer, I visited almost all partners of Risk (in total Risk has around 80 partnerships). During these visits, I got the chance to see all these companies from the inside. Furthermore, during these visits I agreed on for example participation in Risk Events, which I finalized in creating a contract. The main responsibility for the External Relations Officer is to maintain and create partnerships for Risk. Within this function you can operate relative free compared to other functions, something I like. Almost all income of the association is generated by you. In the beginning of the board year you budget a goal and in the end, achieving this goal is the best part of being an External Relations Officer.
Lotte: I couldn’t chose between two things I like the most about my position. The first thing that I really enjoy is meeting a lot of new people during this year. During the Recruitment periods for our committees I speak a lot of new people both informal with a coffee date as formal with an job interview. I really like to hear all about our members and what they do and like, in the different situations. I also really like to bond with our active members at our active members activities, and like to talk to new people on the other Risk events. Next to that I really like task as PR and Promotion, so I can be creative in designing new promotion material for the corporate identity. I always loved to talk to people and have a lovely chat, and I always have been really creative so I like that I can combine that in my role as Internal relations.
How did you develop yourself so far at Risk?
Karlijn: I developed myself a lot so far. I have learned a lot about my opportunities during and after my studies. I have a clearer view of what I want to do and in what kind of company I want to work. The work you do is relevant but yet so different from your studies. You’re on top of a great association, and you have to make sure everything goes to order. You have to make sure your time management is in order, but also have to make some hard choices. You want all the stakeholders to be happy, but this isn’t always the case. I learned the best way to deal with this. Next to that I also developed myself on a social level, what is great.
Chiel: After my board year I will start my Master Accountancy, but thanks to the contacts that I acquired in my function as External Relations Officer, I already have an offer for a Thesis Internship and full time position at one of our partners. Being in the board of Risk helps you to get in touch with a lot of different companies and in the end, will help you to find an internship or starters function. Furthermore, I developed professional communication skills and also my social skills have improved.
Lotte: During my board year, my tasks are so different that the things I learned at my study. Being responsible for the whole recruitment period, gave me an insight in how a actual recruitment process looks like and I learnt all the tips and tricks that comes with that. The part of coordinating committees helped me develop my leadership skills more. This is something I have developed this year. Moreover, as I have seen many companies and different job opportunities this year at all our events, I have a better view of what I like for my future. And I also find out that I am really happy with the study choice I made, and the job opportunities that comes with that.
How do you combine both formal and informal?
Karlijn: Risk is perfect to combine formal and informal, that’s what I love about it. There are many activities both formal as informal. You get in contact with companies and you learn a lot of professional skills. But next to that you also have informal activities. You have lot of fun things organized by Risk, but you also meet a lot of people and we organize some nice activities ourselves. This are great opportunities to meet fellow Risk members and have a great time! Next to that I also became good friends with my fellow board members, so with them I always have a great time.
Chiel: Risk has a lot of both formal and informal activities. The fun part of a board year is that these two go hand in hand. During the day you work in our office with your fellow board members, but in the evening you have different options to go to. For example socials, constitution drinks, events, activities etc.
Lotte: This combination is why I really like my board year, there is a really good balance between formal and informal. During the day we have formal activities and work by working on our policy that we made on the beginning of the year and of course the other operational tasks. During the day you really have the feeling that you achieve something, and our evenings are for fun! Most of our informal activities such as society activities and socials are during the evening, and offer the perfect opportunity to meet al our (active) members. I always really enjoy the informal activities, because you get to know people better that only work with them.
What would you like to pass on to the readers?
Karlijn: If I can go back, I would definitely do the board year again. I would recommend such a year to everyone. I developed myself in many ways, and I know I will benefit from this for many years. At first it looked a bit scary, but once I became a board member this faded right away. I felt welcome at the first moment. I made a lot of new friends and learned in many ways. Don’t be scared to get in contact with one of us, even to just ask some questions!
Chiel: Actually, there is only one thing I can recommend. Become active at Risk! Start with a committee or apply for the board directly. You add something valuable to your studies, to your future career and not to forget: to yourself! So far, my board year at Risk is the best thing that happened to me, I really could recommend it to everyone!
Lotte: If one year ago I could watch where I am now, I would definitely apply again for the Risk Board. A board year is the perfect opportunity to boost you CV, develop yourself personally, get insights in how it is to work in businesses in the financial world and most of all have a lot of fun! I made a lot of new friends this year, and I am really glad I made this choice last year. When you want to have the most amazing year, don’t hesitate to apply for the Risk board and it’s ahead of you.